
Showing posts from October, 2017

Vocabulary #1

Theme: subject of a talk, writing or persons talks Tone: characters attitude of a place  Mood: temporary feeling Diction: voice and use of words and phrases Syntax: arrangement of words Stupid:lacking intelligence or common sense  Adumbrate: report or represent in outline  Apotheosis: highest point in the development of something  Ascetic: suggesting the practice of severe self discipline  Bauble: a small chaining trinket  Beguile: charm or enchant  Burgeon: being to grow  Complement: a thing that completes Contumacious: stubbornly  Curmudgeon: a bad tempered  Didactic: intended to teach 

Vocabulary # 6

Meme: virus for the world Virus: piece of code that is capable of copying itself and typically has a detrimental effect Viral: relating to or involving an image,video, or a pide of information that's circulated Blog: regularly update website or webpage Wiki: website that allows collaborative editing content and structure URL: address of a World Wide Web page Website: location connected to the internet that maintains information that shows 1 or more pages Www: World Wide Web Internet: A way a computer connects between networks 2.0: make comment Open source: source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified

Smart Goal

S being a veterinarian M I know when my goal is accomplished when i receive a bachelors degree A learning how to cure animals R helps people keep their animals in healthy conditions T after being done with veterinary medicine

Question video

Vocabulary #5

Venomous: capable of injecting venom by means of a bite or sting Stolid: calm and showing little emotion or animation Hypnotized: produce a state of hyponosis in someone Suspended: temporarily prevent from continuing Transformed: make a through or dramatic change in the form appearance Accuse: charge with an offense or crime Anticipate: regard as probable; expect or predict Fringe: an orhamental border of threads left loose into tassels used to edge clothing or material Melancholy: feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause Earnestly: with sincere and intense conviction or seriously Dissolve: become or cause to become incorporated into a liquid so as to form a solution Aggravate: make worse or more serious Illuminate: light up Capillary: any of the fine branching flood vessels that form a network between the arterioles and venules Probuscis: nose of a mammal, especially when it's long and mobile, suck as the trunck of an elephant or the snout of a tap